Showing 81-100 of 248 items.
Sr No.Ref NoZoneStateDistrictCityLocationDescription 
81S257SouthTamil NaduCoimbatoreCoimbatoreGandhipuramGF 1200 sq.ft to 1500 sq.ft with commercial approval on the main road. 30 kva - 3 phase power, good visibility and parking
82S181SouthTamil NaduCuddaloreCuddaloreCuddaloreGF 1200 sq.ft with commercial approval. 24 KVA - 3 phase power, good visibility and parking
84E356EastArunachal PradeshUpper SubansiriDaporijoDaporijoArea-800 sq ft carpet area Floor-Ground Building & commercial approval With parking facility
85N310NorthDelhiNew DelhiDelhiDelhiPref. Location - Panchsheel Park - Soami Nagar,  Sarita Vihar / Anand Lok /Dwarka Sector 3 /4, 
86N309NorthDelhiNew DelhiDelhiDelhiPref. Loc - Old Rajinder Nagar -Opp. Sir Gangaram Hospital ,CP- Inner Circle/Janpath, Pitampura -Sainik Vihar, Rohini Sec 22
87N308NorthDelhiNew DelhiDelhiDelhiPref.Loc -New Rajdhani Enclave/Loni Road/Hasanpur (Opp Patparganj)/Naveen Shahadra,
88N198NorthDelhiCentral DelhiDelhiJanpath / Chandni Chowk
89N199NorthDelhiSouth DelhiDelhiGhitorni/Niti Bagh/Pamposh Enclave/Okhla
90N307NorthDelhiNew DelhiDelhiDelhiPref. location - Paschim Vihar- Outer Ring Road/RBI Colony, Geetanjali Enclave, Ghitorni,
91N267NorthHaryanaRohtakDHARUHERA DHARUHERA Premises should be commercially approved having approved sanction plan along with OC/CC for Bank usage.
93N148NorthUttar PradeshAuraiyaDibiyapurDibiyapur
94E222EastWest BengalNorth 24 ParganasDurganagar (Kolkata)Durganagar (Kolkata)Area- 800-1000 sq ft carpet area, Floor-Ground, Building & commercial approval with parking facility
95E373EastWest BengalBardhamanDurgapurPriority Location BudbudArea- below 600 sq ft carpet area, Floor-Ground, Building & commercial approval with parking facility
96S319SouthKeralaErnakulamErnakulamMaraduAxis Bank requires 1000 sq.ft carpet area space to set up a new branch. If available pl call us @ 95855 16042
97S320SouthKeralaErnakulamErnakulamChakkaraparambuAxis Bank requires 1000 sq.ft carpet area space to set up a new branch. If available pl call us @ 95855 16042
98N295NorthHaryanaFaridabadFaridabadSec 85-Nehar Par, Sec- 22, Sec - 14, Sec-17
100E344EastAssamDhubriGouripurGouripurArea- 600 sq ft carpet area, Floor-Ground, Building & commercial approval with parking facility